Member Newsletters
Member Health Check Newsletters are a collection of helpful articles and information, specifically for Members, that are published at different times during the year. Both current and previous editions of these Member Heath Check Newsletters are located directly below and are listed according to the Year and Quarter that they were published.
2023, Quarter 1, Member Health Check Newsletter
2022, Quarter 1, Member Health Check Newsletter
2021, Quarter 3, Member Health Check Newsletter
2020, Quarter 4, Member Health Check Newsletter
2019, Quarter 4, Member Health Check Newsletter
2019, Quarter 1, Member Health Check Newsletter
Attention All Members: Updated Wyoming Medicaid Member Contact Email Address (NEW)
Acentra Health has changed its email address for member-based correspondence/communications. The new email reflects the change in business name from CNSI to Acentra.
The new email address is currently active and able to receive emails. Please utilize for correspondence/communication.
The myHealthPortal (secure Member Portal) is still available for members. The new email provides another option for the convenience of the member.
The previous CNSI email addresses will no longer be monitored after 12/31/2024.
Get Your Flu Vaccination Today
This year it is critically important that everyone receives a flu vaccine. Hospitals are overwhelmed caring for people with COVID-19 and have limited space for additional injuries and illnesses.
Please protect yourself, your family, and your community by getting vaccinated against the flu this year. No cost flu vaccines are covered under Medicaid medical plans at your pharmacy, physician’s office, or public health office. Get vaccinated today!
Wyoming Medicaid Contact Information Changes
Wyoming Medicaid has consolidated the contact phone numbers for members to one number. This number is to the Customer Service Center (CSC) at 1-855-294-2127. Please be sure to listen to the available options for Travel Assistance, Eligibility, myHealthPortal, and reporting other insurance.
Medicaid Members – Register for New Secure Member Portal
Wyoming Medicaid’s new secure Member Portal, called myHealthPortal, is a one-stop shop for all member-specific Medicaid healthcare coverage details. Members can view their real-time information, find a doctor, and more within the myHealthPortal. Please click Register for New Secure Member Portal to read the entire communication including the steps involved with member registration.
Scheduled End of Chiropractic Services
Due to recent budget reductions, Chiropractic services are set to be eliminated as a covered Wyoming Medicaid service. Effective April 1, 2021, Wyoming Medicaid will only cover chiropractic services for clients with Medicare as primary.
Transportation Changes and Updates
Effective August 5, 2020, TI Shuttle (taxi service) in Cheyenne, WY is no longer in business. To schedule a Cheyenne Transit Program (CTP) ride, at this time, please visit the CTP website.
Transportation TI Shuttle Closure Memo
Cheyenne Transit Program to start collecting fares again
The Cheyenne Transit Program (CTP) will reinstate fare collection beginning Monday, October 4. CTP waived fares in March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. For the complete news article, please click Cheyenne Transit Program newspaper article
Cheyenne Transit Program
The Cheyenne Transportation Program (CTP) fixed route bus service has been suspended until further notice due to COVID-19. Starting April 13, 2020, CTP will make single-passenger paratransit services available to all Cheyenne residents for essential trips only, at no cost to the rider. For the full article including definitions of essential trips, please read the following newspaper article: Cheyenne Transit Program newspaper article
Casper Area Transportation Updates
Information regarding the Casper, WY Transit Program, including the Transit Map and Schedules, can be viewed at the following link:
COVID-19 Information
Laid off due to COVID-19? Do you qualify for Medicaid?
Is COVID-19 Testing Covered?
Testing for and treatment directly relative to COVID-19 are covered services for ALL current Medicaid members. Both Medicaid and Medicare have waived cost-sharing for testing related to COVID-19. Medicaid has also waived copays related to treatment.
Providers will determine whether testing is appropriate for your condition. More information on the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) response to COVID-19 is available at:
Do I need to pay my EID Premiums?
Medicaid is waving EID premiums until the end of the National Emergency. Members will not owe any of the waived premiums for this time.
Due to the National Emergency related to COVID-19, EID premiums are being waived beginning with April 10, 2020 payment and through the last month of the emergency. Medicaid will mail letters prior to a member’s next payment due date.
Client Copay Increases Postcard
Pregnant By Choice 6/1/09