CMS-1500 Provider Manual and Bulletins

CMS-1500 Manual and Bulletins

CMS-1500 Provider Manual (Effective 1.13.25)

Provider Training Survey - Training Options (2.4.2025)

Wyoming’s Third-Party Liability Disallowance Supports Proper Billing of Medicaid Claims (1.29.2025)

Urgent - Provider Revalidation (1.13.2025)

Wyoming Medicaid 2025 Payment Exception Calendar

Procedure Code Denials (1.2.2025)

1099 Forms – Verification of Mailing Addresses (12.23.2024)

Changes to Remittance Advice (12.19.2024)

Web Browsers, Pop-Ups and Settings (12.16.2024)

Updated Wyoming Medicaid Provider Contact Email Addresses (10.23.2024)

Important! – Ambulance Claim Denials (10.10.2024)

Nursing Facility Members - Wheelchair Policies (8.5.2024)

Wyoming Medicaid to Allow Utilization of Canvas DX Diagnostic Solution (7.12.24)

Reimbursement Methodology – Invoice Do’s & Don’ts (6.6.2024)

Important! All Providers – PA Claim Denials & Waiver Denials for Medicare (Effective 5.17.2024)

Durable Medical Equipment and Prior Authorization Reminders and Updates (Effective 4.19.2024)

Interpreter Services Update (Effective 4.5.2024)

Provider Medicaid and State Health Care Benefit Plan

Partial Units and Claims DDE Warning Message (3.22.2024)

Behavioral Health Providers Required to Enroll with Medicare (Effective 1.9.2023)

Update: Medicaid & United Healthcare (UHC) Advantage Plan Part B Denials & Provider Action (Effective 12.22.2023)

1099 Forms – Verification of Mailing Addresses (Effective 12.8.2023)

DME Discontinued Procedure Code (Effective 9.1.2023)

Medicaid & United Healthcare (UHC) Advantage Plan Part B Claim Denials (Effective 8.24.2023)

Updated Coverage of Cologuard (Effective 8.21.2023)

Implementation of 277CA Functionality in BMS (Effective 7.27.2023)

Wyoming Medicaid to Cover Podiatry Services (Effective 6.6.2023)

Provider Taxonomy Requirements when Billing Medicare for Dually Eligible Members (Effective 5.9.2023)

Discontinuance of Call Center Services for Billing Agents/Clearinghouses and their Third-Party Vendor Calls (Effective 3.14.2023)

Adverse Childhood Experiences (Effective 3.8.2023)

Billing Provider Taxonomy Requirements (Effective 1.6.2023)

Medicaid Pregnancy and Post-Partum Care Billing Infographic

ECSII CASII Policy and Billing Information

Fee Schedule - Access this page for Standard Fee Schedule information, the Procedure Code Search, and the Genetic Testing Fee Schedule.

TPL Priority Diagnosis List - This is a list of diagnosis codes that must be billed with external cause code(s).  This list includes diagnoses for burns, corrosion, abrasions, contusions, hematomas, crushing injuries, fractures, head injuries, other injuries, spinal injuries, wounds, and lacerations.

Wyoming Cancer Program (WCP) - Access this website for detailed provider information, including covered Diagnosis (DX) Codes and CPT Codes, for the Breast & Cervical Cancer (BCC) and Colorectal Cancer (COLR) Screening Programs.

New CPT Codes Supplemental Guidiance (1.9.19)

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